Project MTP devlog
Project MTP is a 3D adventure game. I’m making it with my custom engine.
Source code:
UPD (April 2024): The devlog is currently on hold… I don’t have time to write it.
The game/engine is written in C++ and works on Windows and Linux.
- OpenGL 3.3 - graphics
- SDL - input, windows
- bullet3 - physics, collision detection
- openal-soft, libvorbis, libogg - audio
- freetype - fonts and text
- Lua and sol2 - scripting (currently the entire game is written in C++, might port some game logic to Lua later)
- tinygltf, Dear Imgui, stb_image, utfcpp, nlohmann’s JSON, cxxopts
I initially started working on the 3D engine (after several years of making a 2D one) in 2021.
I got a lot of things working - model loading, skeletal animations, cameras… but then I kinda burnt out and went back to 2D until 2023 when I decided to do OpenGL/C++ stuff again.
The new engine was build from the ground up using only a few snippets from the old code base. I wanted to built a “cleaner” engine/code base using my experience writing Go which motivated me to write simpler code. I think I succeeded.
I’m posting a lot more stuff on my Twitter, I’ll post “best of” content of my website for easier reading.
Basic lighting, shadow mapping, dialogues, cat model
Animation, multiple shadow casting lights, sounds, menu work
PBR, city and room level, dynamic TV screen
Bikeshedding, porting my old platformer game to C++ from Go.